anii @settlingflower

a simple (chaotic !!) space for my reading lists (because they don't fit my bio anymore haha)one thing about me: I LOVE LAN WANGJI!!fave wangxian art below by 何何舞 🥰

hi, i am anii, 21+, fil-chi, and i love immersing myself in chinese media, especially danmei. one of my goals in life is to gain some fluency in mandarin, so here i am.Last updated 26-11-22


Mo Xiang Tong Xiu 墨香铜臭

  • Mo Dao Zu Shi 《魔道祖师》

  • Tian Guan Ci Fu 《天官赐福》

  • Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong 《人渣反派自救系统》

Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou 肉包不吃肉

  • Erha He Ta De Baimao Shizun 《二哈和他的白猫师尊》

  • Yu Wu 《余污》

  • Bing An Ben 《病案本》

Mu Su Li 木苏里

  • Quanqiu Gaokao 《全球高考》

  • Heitian 《黑天》

  • Bu Jian Shangxian San Bai Nian 《不见上仙三百年》

  • Panguan 《判官》

  • Tongqian Kanshi 《铜钱龛世》

Meng Xi Shi 梦溪石

  • Qian Qiu 《千秋》

Yi Shi Si Zhou 一十四洲

  • Xiao Mogu 《小蘑菇》

Qing Se Yu Yi 青色羽翼

  • Mozun Ye Xiang Zhidao 《魔尊也想知道》

Cang Wu Bin Bai 苍梧宾白

  • Huang Jin Tai 《黄金台》

Tang Jiu Qing 唐酒卿

  • Nan Chan 《南禅》

Mu Gua Huang 木瓜黄

  • Weizhuang Xuezha 《伪装学渣》

Hu Die Lan 蝴蝶蓝

  • Quan Zhi Gao Shou 《全职高手》 (not danmei but it's a good esports novel, my intro to chinese lit! no romance plot but heavy tension so ye xiu x all HAHAHA)

Gu Man 顾漫

  • not danmei but before I got here, I loved their works so much

  • Wei Wei Yi Xiao Hen Qing Cheng《微微一笑恨倾城》

  • Shan Shan Lai Chi 《杉杉来吃》

  • Heyi Shengxiao Mo 《何以笙箫默》

  • Ni Shi Wo De Rongyao 《你是我的荣耀》

  • Xiao Bai He Jing Ying 《小白和精英》

You Qian 尤前

  • Xing Ji Nan Shen Shi Wo Ba 《星际男神是我爸》(My Dad is the Galaxy's Prince Charming) (not danmei but this funny fantasy novel has a special place in my heart ahaha)

Jiong Jiong You Yao 囧囧有妖

  • Yin Hun 100 Fen: Re Huo Jiao Qi Jia Yi Song Yi《隐婚100分:惹火娇妻嫁一送一》(Hidden Marriage) (another non-danmei but strong af FL!! i love this too)


  • 《魔道祖师》 Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation

  • 《天官赐福 》Heaven Official's Blessing

  • 《二哈和他的白猫师尊 》Dumb Husky and his White Cat Shizun

  • 《全球高考》Global Examination

  • 《我嗑了对家 X 我的CP》 I Ship My Rival x Me

  • 《伪装学渣》 Fake Slackers

  • 《天宝伏妖录》 Legend of Exorcism

  • 《定海浮生录》 Dinghai Fusheng Records

  • 《图灵密码》 Turing Code

  • 《飞欧不下》 Flying Gulls Never Land

  • 《当年万里觅封侯》 Those Years In Quest of Honor Mine

  • 《魔尊要抱抱》 Devil Wants to Hug/Private Devil Puppy

  • 《哪里来的大宝贝》 Whose Baby Is It?

  • 《经久》 Pirouette Into My Heart

  • 《破云》Breaking The Clouds

  • 《破云II: 吞海》 Devouring the Seas

  • 《铜钱龛世》 Copper Coins

  • 《貔貅饭馆,只进不出》 Pixiu's Eatery, No Way Out

  • 《你师父我人傻钱多》 Bow Before My Wealth

  • 《迪奥先生》 Mr. Dior

  • 《你的距离》 Your Distance

  • 《离开你以后》 After I Left You

  • 《穿棠惊掠琵琶声》 The Flustering Sound of the Pipa from the Hallway

  • 《高长与大黄》 Gao Chang and Rhubarb

  • 《我叫我同桌打你》 I'll Get My Deskmate To Hit You

  • 《你的表情包比本人好看》 Your Memes Are Better Looking Than You

  • 《身为鬼畜UP的我被影帝看上了》 Falling For A Parody Content Creator

  • 《入睡指南》 A Guide To Falling Asleep

  • 《娱乐圈上位指南》 The Guide to Entertainment Circle

  • 《又被男神撩上热搜》 Hottest Topics

  • 《马丁尼》 Bittersweet Martini

  • 《他说我是黑莲花》 I'm His Devious Romeo

  • 《与他正面对决的日子》Facing Off Against The Scumbag Top

  • 《AWM [绝地求生]》AWM: PUBG

  • 《唇枪》Lip and Sword

  • 《溺酒》Intoxicated


  • 《魔道祖师》

  • 《二哈和他的白猫师尊》

  • 《小蘑菇》

  • 《全球高考》

  • 《某某》

  • 《可爱过敏原》

  • 《小行星》

  • 《薄雾》

  • (to watch) special mentions to the osts of:

  • 《黄金台》

  • 《残次品》

  • 《判官》

  • 《将进酒》


  • 《全职高手》

  • 《全职高手巅峰荣耀》

  • 《魔道祖师》

  • 《天官赐福》

  • 《穿书自救指南》

  • 《千秋》

  • 《天宝伏妖路》

Some C-Drama I Enjoy

  • 《微微一笑很倾城》

  • 《杉杉来吃》

  • 《何以笙箫默》

  • 《你是我的荣耀》

  • 《致我们单纯的小美好》

  • 《致我们暖暖的小时光》

  • 《致我们甜甜的小美满》

  • 《夏至未至》

  • 《旋风少女》

  • 《流星花园》

  • 《亲爱的,热爱的》

  • 《陈情令》

  • 《山河令》

  • 《陪你到世界之巅》

  • 《哦!我的皇帝陛下》

  • 《有翡》

  • 《狼殿下》

  • 《庆余年》

  • 《斗罗大陆》

  • 《余生,请多指教》

Some C-Movies I Enjoy

  • 《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》

  • 《我的少女時代》

  • 《等 一个人咖啡》

  • 《一吻定情》

  • 《闪光少女》

  • 《陈情令之生魂》

  • 《陈情令之乱魄》

  • 《诛仙》

  • 《魔道祖师》: "Let the self judge the right and the wrong, let others decide to praise or to blame, and let the losses remain uncommented on."

  • 《天官赐福》: "Behind the back of this nameless ghost, there were three thousand lanterns flowing languidly along the night. It said, 'I have a beloved who is still in this world.'"

  • 《人渣反派自救系统》: "This time, no matter where you want to go, this master will accompany you."

  • 《二哈和他的白猫师尊》: "Two lifetimes, they belong to you. No regrets."

  • 《余污》: "No matter how dirty, I will embrace you. No matter how much it hurts, I will stay with you. No matter how far, I will bring you home."

  • 《病案本》: "Just as how there are flowers struggling to bloom before the end of the world, fragments of light are mending his heart."

  • 《小蘑菇》: "He betrayed his life's faith to love him."

  • 《南禅》: "There is a man I love. In the clouds, in the sea, in my heart."

  • 《全球高考》: "The world is brilliant and grand. Welcome home."

  • 《某某》: "My bones are saying, I still love you."

  • 《判官》: "Maybe you do not remember, but you have actually said goodbye to a person who has already left, at a certain long night."

  • 《千秋》: "In this world, if one cannot live vigorously and freely in accordance to their own desires and inclinations, then what is the point? Humans are not that different from flowers."

  • 《黄金台》: "Following their reunion of intermingled sorrow and delight, they both discovered that the other had gone identically crazy, and identically lonely."

  • 《魔尊也想知道》: "Yin Hanjiang, this Venerable permits you to love him. Sect Leader Yin, will you permit me to love you?"

  • 《可爱过敏原》: "I do not need God to love me, having you is enough."

《无忘 Never Forget》 Zhang Liangying堂前燕 此去远 路迢可知返
Swallows leave the room, going to a faraway place, would they know the way back
轻弄弦 曲中念 故人何时还
Playing the light melody of those years, when will old friends return
谁黯然 在喟叹 江湖多离散
Who is sighing with melancholy, those in the jianghu all scatter
尘埃落定 一晌也贪欢
The dust will settle, a moment of stolen happiness
酒一盏 对青山 停舟月向晚
A toast to the mountains stops the boat heading to the night
芳草岸 起云烟 世外现悠然
Fragrant grass on the shore and rising mist, the world seems leisurely
谁横笛 前尘散 轮回都看淡
Whose bamboo flute scatters the past, reincarnation is indifferent
陈情旧梦 千金也不换
The feelings of the past cannot be exchanged with a thousand gold
愿无忘当年 寻你多辗转
Yearning to never forget those years, restlessly looking for you
跋山涉水寻 遍几世悲欢
Searching over mountains and through waters, seeing the joys and sorrows of the world everywhere
灯火阑珊处 惊鸿便自误
The lights are waning, for a beauty, I committed wrongs
Empty winds give rise to tiny waves
渡劫难万千 换余生相伴
Crossing through countless calamities in exchange for the remainder of life by your side
白衣映乌衫 合一曲婉转
White clothes reflected on black sleeves, united by a mellow song
闲看天色暮 胜人间无数
Leisurely watching the colors of sunset, above countless people
Unrelated to all turmoil
《与君同尘 Together with you in this world》Ayunga皎皎云间月孑然一身也照尽尘寰
A solitary moon among the clouds illuminates this world
皑皑天上雪 覆满寒阶也护春意暖
White snow from the sky, frost covers the steps and protects spring's warmth
也曾同窗叙 也曾共少年
We once chatted as schoolmates, we once shared our youth
I follow a sound to an old friend I cannot meet
不羡江湖远 君子如珠照世事万千
No envy for the distant world, a gentleman like a pearl shining on countless worldly affairs
不慕行者众 循道也肯听本心答案
No admiration for the crowd, following the path dictated by my heart
也曾有遗憾 也曾为一念
In the past there were regrets, in the past for a yearning
寥寥天地间 生死别后自渡流年
There are few in this world, after a parting of life and death I pass through the fleeting years
照见人间十三载 云深处不知春
Bearing light to the world for thirteen years, a place deep in the clouds doesn't know spring
百川同流不染身 仍向故心问
Flowing rivers do not taint my body, I am still guided by the voice of my heart
是非凭谁论 明月也归尘
Who dictates right and wrong, the moon also returns to the earth
Time is like continuous rain, the old dreams scattered by unrest left no traces
两世一曲聚散浮沉 昨日匆匆去
Two worlds and one song come together through ups and downs, yesterday passes by hurriedly
攘攘暮云将散处 终得遇故人
In the end, the chaos scattering the place would lead me to meet you again
本心不同群 与君共归程
Our true hearts are not the same as the crowd, together with you I will return home
略遍千山 为一人揽尽余温
For the rest of our journey, all my remaining warmth is for you
人间一簇火 燎去荒草才知岁月长
The heat in the world can burn through the weeds, knowing how long the years were
遥远处回望 残念不续离别的断章
Looking back at a distant place, I regret not leaving and breaking the rules
问落英纷纷 何处是回响
Ask the falling flowers where is the echo
前路多荒凉 且把阔别封入寒霜
The journey ahead is bleak, the long separation surrounds me with coldness
照见人间十三载 云深处不知春
Bearing light to the world for thirteen years, a place deep in the clouds doesn't know spring
百川同流不染身 仍向故心问
Flowing rivers do not taint my body, I am still guided by the voice of my heart
是非凭谁论 明月也归尘
Who dictates right and wrong, the moon also returns to the earth
Time is like continuous rain, the old dreams scattered by unrest left no traces
两世一曲聚散浮沉 昨日匆匆去
Two worlds and one song come together through ups and downs, yesterday passes by hurriedly
攘攘暮云将散处 终得遇故人
In the end, the chaos scattering the place would lead me to meet you again
本心不同群 与君共归程
Our true hearts are not the same as the crowd, together with you I will return home
略遍千山 为一人揽尽余温
For the rest of our journey, all my remaining warmth is for you
本心不同群 与君共归程
Our true hearts are not the same as the crowd, together with you I will return home
略遍千山 为一人揽尽余温
For the rest of our journey, all my remaining warmth is for you
《造化 Creation》Liu Yuning踏月行 披星辰 折霜草
Walking in the moonlight, wrapped in the stars, breaking the frosty grass
山几重 云水中 游一遭
The weight of the mountains, within the clouds and water, swimming through time
漂泊江湖道 烟波催桨棹 两岸潮
Drifting through the jianghu, rowing through the misty river, against the tide
并肩闯 走荒城 平纷扰
Fighting side by side, to a desolate city, to suppress the turmoil
夜听风 渔火摇 不觉晓
The night listens to the wind, the lights on the boats shake, unconsciously it's dawn
听琴笛潇潇 再共饮一坛 天子笑
Listen to the drizzle of the guqin and dizi, let us share again a jar of emperor's smile
不羡仙 不谓侠
I do not envy the immortals, I am not chivalrous
I only covet freedom for the rest of my life
宿命浅 情义深 造化
Fate is shallow, friendship is deep, I create my destiny
风无羁 月无暇
The wind is unrestrained, the moon is not leisurely
Wandering through how many seasons
满坞莲花薄 葬是非功过 空牵挂
The dock is filled with lotuses, burying right and wrong, merits and demerits, without worry
前尘远 浮名累 流光抛
The past has been long, I am tired of this false reputation, it is time to cast it aside
又一程 是非曲 善恶谣
Again in the distance, a melody of right and wrong, a song of good and evil
匆匆人间道 陈情遇故人 未老
The people are all in a rush, my feelings are for the one I will grow old with
不羡仙 不谓侠
I do not envy the immortals, I am not chivalrous
I only covet freedom for the rest of my life
宿命浅 情义深 造化
Fate is shallow, friendship is deep, I create my destiny
风无羁 月无暇
The wind is unrestrained, the moon is not leisurely
Wandering through how many seasons
满坞莲花薄 葬是非功过 空牵挂
The dock is filled with lotuses, burying right and wrong, merits and demerits, without worry
善与恶 后人说 孰真孰假
Good and evil, people in the future would say what is true and fake
神与魔 谁定夺 一分高下
God and demon, who decides who is stronger and weaker
你与我 纵情歌 从未负韶华
You and me, a song to our heart's content, never to suffer through the beautiful years
不羡仙 不谓侠
I do not envy the immortals, I am not chivalrous
I only covet freedom for the rest of my life
宿命浅 情义深 造化
Fate is shallow, friendship is deep, I create my destiny
不羡仙 不谓侠
I do not envy the immortals, I am not chivalrous
And now I have a lifetime of freedom
守情义 何必问 代价
I will guard my friendships, why must I ask about the price
笛无羁 琴无暇
The dizi is unrestrained, the guqin is occupied
Together playing a melody through the years
云深不知处 你我的归途
In a place deep in the clouds, we will make our journey home
The future is boundless
《给某某 For a certain someone》Mario, Chen Yiming当梧桐,寒暄路过的风,
At the phoenix trees, exchanging greetings as the wind passes by
What kind of dreams do they softly talk about?
Can a certain person be mentioned?
I don't understand the words of the wind
But I think my heart moves
The phoenix trees say when I was seventeen, youth was indeed gentle
His smile is for whom? It's hard to guess
And the wind's reply is for a certain person
Because of him and his words
Love feels so serious
So the voice is weak again
The winds of the world also hold love in its voice
He gave me a very powerless embrace
Even though it is all that he had
That year when I was seventeen has stranded me
A lifetime of affection
The years after, I had all the freedom
I can kiss and I can love
It only lacks a certain someone from when I was seventeen
Therefore I have nothing
At the phoenix trees, the passing wind sends its regards
I guess they talk about the old dreams at seventeen
I actually do not understand the words of the wind
But because of the memory of a certain someone
Everything makes my heart move
Under the phoenix trees, at the entrance of the old street, is me and a certain someone
His smile and his tenderness were given to me
Above the desolate land, the wind passes
Witnessing the worries of the youth
Like weeds thriving
Meeting again after when I was seventeen
For the rest of my life from now on, the overgrowth cannot enter
I'm very grateful that we can earnestly talk about our love
Everyone caught wind of it all because of me
There is someone to cuddle at the end of midsummer
Awaiting for his certain someone
I'm very grateful for the time you were cold but you treated me well
Allowing me to constantly remember my certain someone
I was able to reunite with you in a sea of people
Only with a glance and I felt my heart move
He once used a very powerless hug
Let me stay at the end of summer when I was seventeen
From now on there is no certain someone
And no more heartbeat
After several years, I have plenty of freedom
Therefore I can kiss and I have feelings
From today, I send them all to a certain someone
With him everything that is empty will be full
《第七年 The Seventh Year》大雨天 淋湿左肩 的伞
On a stormy day, the umbrella soaked my left shoulder
考卷牙杯房间 都有他 一半
An examination room all shared with him
To admit and to probe
伸出的手轻颤 消解过 不安
Extending a soft touch to dispel worries
少年人 还没有 来得及 遗憾
The young people still do not have any regrets
十七岁 扮英勇 和绚烂
Seventeen year olds act heroic and splendid
去追车 去发愿 去渡海 去攀山
Chasing cars, making vows, crossing seas, climbing mountains
Climbing to the top for their love
尚未开口的 喜欢
Haven't yet talked about their desires
梦里枯草和玫瑰一并 璀璨
In dreams, withered grass and roses are all resplendent
一首歌太漫长 烟火太短暂
A song is endless, the fireworks are fleeting
Love is unspeakable even though it's buried deep
Facing the road ahead, chasing and calling
Fleeing only to separate
反复寻求答案 像夏夜的蝉
The repeated search for answers resembles that summer night's cicadas
Red leaves and white snow, the four seasons rotate
Letting a person unable to be satisfied
Searching for one, the thousand twinkling lanterns are insufficient
转眼便 迈入二十 年关
In a flash, approaching the end of my twentieth year
空白人生答卷 留给他一半
The blanks in the examination paper of life have been left for him
To desire and to accompany
第七年的缺憾 由他来补完
The regrets of the seventh year are all mended because he is here
少年人 当然有 一万种 遗憾
The youth, of course, have a thousand regrets
十七岁 藏无奈 和心酸
Seventeen years hide exasperation and sadness
去看那 夜航船 多孤单 打着转
Looking at that boat travelling in the night, very lonely, fighting the changes
But waiting, not arriving at the harbor
终于开口的 喜欢
At last we can talk about our desires
转身灯火和玫瑰一并 璀璨
Facing the lights and roses that are resplendent
一首歌太漫长 烟火太短暂
A song is endless, the fireworks are fleeting
Let our love be declared, there is no need to regret
Facing the road ahead, chasing and calling
With unreasonable bravery
反复寻求答案 像夏夜的蝉
The repeated search for answers resembles that summer night's cicadas
Red leaves and white snow, the four seasons rotate
Letting a person be satisfied
Adding to the thousand lanterns
一首歌太漫长 烟火太短暂
A song is endless, the fireworks are fleeting
Let our love be declared, there is no need to regret
Facing the road ahead, chasing and calling
With unreasonable bravery
反复寻求答案 像夏夜的蝉
The repeated search for answers resembles that summer night's cicadas
Red leaves and white snow, the four seasons rotate
Letting a person be satisfied
Adding to the thousand lanterns
《无题 Untitled》Hu Xia满城倦柳 无飞絮
Tired willows fill the city, there is no flying cotton
心门紧闭 归来无马蹄
The heart is closed shut, there are no horse hooves upon return
雁千里 杳无音讯
Wild geese for a thousand miles, disappearing conversations
And no wind and rain, no clear skies
A hairpin and bitter herbs, no outline
字字凋零 东风也无力
Withered characters, the wind blows eastward and powerless
一杯酒 邀明月 无双成影
A cup of wine to invite tomorrow, without the other turning into shadow
痴言醉语 誓言怎可信
With foolish and drunk words, how can the promise be trusted
原来天地之大 俗尘渺渺 无我也无你
It turns out the world is vast, worldly matters are irrelevant without you and without me
谁自由来去 嫁祸给宿命
Whose freedom has come, give the blame to karma
原来梦境之小 岁月潇潇 迷失了自己
It turns out dreams are small and years are fleeting, I have lost myself
若倦鸟无心 不如归去
If a tired bird does not have the heart, it would be better to return
两岸莺啼 人无语
Orioles cry on both shores, people have no words
一川烟波 淹没了 眼睛
A mist-filled river drowned the eyes
云万里 无名无姓
Clouds for a thousand miles, no name and surname
And no wind and rain, no clear skies
一骑红尘 无路行
Riding through the world of mortals without a path
步步惊心 月儿也无明
With staggering steps and no tomorrow
一锋剑 指黑夜 无所畏惧
A sword tip pointed towards the dark sky without fear
最可怕是 执念的自己
My greatest fear is my obsessed self
原来天地之大 俗尘渺渺 无我也无你
It turns out the world is vast, worldly matters are irrelevant without you and without me
谁自由来去 嫁祸给宿命
Whose freedom has come, give the blame to karma
原来梦境之小 岁月潇潇 迷失了自己
It turns out dreams are small and years are fleeting, I have lost myself
若倦鸟无心 不如归去
If a tired bird does not have the heart, it would be better to return
原来天地之大 俗尘渺渺 无我也无你
It turns out the world is vast, worldly matters are irrelevant without you and without me
谁自由来去 嫁祸给宿命
Whose freedom has come, give the blame to karma
原来梦境之小 岁月潇潇 迷失了自己
It turns out dreams are small and years are fleeting, I have lost myself
若倦鸟无心 不如归去
If a tired bird does not have the heart, it would be better to return
若倦鸟无心 不如归去
If a tired bird does not have the heart, it would be better to return

《晚夜微雨问海棠 The Night Drizzle Asks The Haitang》 那年风吹过海棠 你的目光
that year, the breeze blew towards the haitang, your gaze
热切能与天光相当 轻唤我回神一望
can fervently give the morning light, lightly call as i suddenly realize my wish
眼前少年 携段春光
the youth of today carry a bit of spring light
未曾想 人世变幻有多无常
never thinking, the changes are unpredictable
那年有漫天飞霜 你的手掌
that year, flying frost fill the sky, the palm of your hand
赠我心头一片温烫 降临第一场春光
gave my heart a piece of warmth, the first spring light has come
前世今生 如何能忘
how is it possible to forget the past events of this life
未曾想 这情一字多么长
never thinking, how long is this feeling
后来蚀骨香 悄开放 从此天各一方
afterwards, bone corroded by incense, silently blooming, from now on separated to the ends of the world
渐行渐远渐一半 心事隐秘成过往
gradually coming, gradually pulling apart, gradually one part, the secret within the heart stays in the past
一枕黄粱梦太长 仰看此月光
this pipe dream is very long, look up at the moonlight
当往事浮现 恍然如梦几场
let the past appear suddenly as if how many scenes in a dream
爱恨此消彼长 停步回望 我陪你同往
love and hate, this disappears and that grows, stop returning the hope, i will accompany you together
念想从未消亡 踏断红尘不肯相忘
the memories never wither, break off the worldly matters and unwilling to forget each other
飞上九天落千丈 为你闯一趟
flying to the highest heavens and falling for a thousand zhang, i will rush this time for you
若你独留远方 谁来与我相望
as you remain in a distant place, who will come and give me a gaze
三千石阶太冰凉 它曾铺上
three thousand stone steps are cold, it used to be a shop
一路死生余下悲伤 缘分错落如参商
the journey through sisheng remains sorrowful, destined to be disorderly like star-crossed lovers
仓皇思量 爱意私藏
panicking worriedly, loving forbiddenly
不愿想 这情一字多荒唐
unwilling to think, this feeling is absurd
解语海棠香 未消散 寄我情深一往
breaking the language of the haitang fragrance yet to disappear, send me feelings that go deep
若赠魂灵我胸膛 年华暗换莫惆怅
as if sending the spirit to my chest, exhanging the dim years for no sadness
你的模样刻心上 恰似此月光
your appearance is carved in my heart, just like this moolight
照天地苍茫 却有花影成双
photograph the vast heaven and earth, step back to see the flower shadows form a pair
爱恨此消彼长 停步回望 我陪你同往
love and hate, this disappears and that grows, stop returning the hope, i will accompany you together
念想从未消亡 踏断红尘不肯相忘
the memories never wither, break off the worldly matters and unwilling to forget each other
飞上九天落千丈 为你闯一趟
flying to the highest heavens and falling for a thousand zhang, i will rush this time for you
若你独留远方 谁来与我相望
as you remain in a distant place, who will come and give me a gaze
爱恨此消彼长 停步回望 我陪你同往
love and hate, this disappears and that grows, stop returning the hope, i will accompany you together
念想从未消亡 踏断红尘不肯相忘
the memories never wither, break off the worldly matters and unwilling to forget each other
晚夜微雨问海棠 用地久天长
the night drizzle asks the haitang, as enduring as the universe
与你并肩共赏 这场人间风光
with you side by side sharing the rewards, this scene of the world is grand
《悦神 Pleasing the Gods》KBShinya一场盛世繁华 若指尖沙 似传说的话
A flourishing scenery at my fingertips as if it's grains of sand, it appears as if it is folklore
庙堂高墙的画 吹落的刹那
The painting of the tall imperial wall has been blown down in an instant
雨中红伞探白花 华服金面高楼下
Amidst rain, a red umbrella seeks the white flower, magnificent clothes and golden surfaces and tall buildings topple down
一念间 桃源已成飞沙
In between memories, the paradise has already turned into flying sand
上元灯火漫天 千山万水潋滟
The lanterns at Shangyuan fill up the night sky, overflowing a thousand mountains and ten thousand rivers
白衣翩跹 仗剑执花 天下妄言
The lively white clothes, a sword grasped by the flower, under the heavens lies are told
从此他这一眼 犹记了千百年
From now on he exists in my eyes, as if thousands and hundreds of years are recorded
沧海变 桑田间 而今 再相见
The vast seas change the mulberry fields, right now we meet again
红莲赤焰 莫问 是鬼 还是仙
Red lotus and scarlet flame, do not ask whether it's a ghost or an immortal
芳心只一剑 如何能救万千
Affection only for the sword, how is it possible to save thousands
彼时 金枝玉叶 斜冠散发 问苍天
That time, golden branches and jaded leaves are the first to tilt and fall apart, asking the deep blue sky
身在无间 心亦在无间
The body is in the abyss, the heart is also in the abyss
褪去华服金面 这人间已 换了多少家
Taking of the flowery clothes and golden face, this world has already ceased, in exchange for how many homes
红叶吹落轻纱 看落日残霞
Red leaves blow and fall on the light gauze, watch the setting sun break the rose-tinted sky
雨中红伞探白花 华服金面高楼下
Amidst rain, a red umbrella seeks the white flower, magnificent clothes and golden surfaces and tall buildings topple down
一念间 桃源已成飞沙
In between memories, the paradise has already turned into flying sand
月夕言笑晏晏 悦神明灯三千
Late into the mid-autumn festival, the words were said with a smile, using three thousand blessing lanterns
布衣草笠 白绫双枷 天下未言
Plain clothes and a bamboo hat, white silk and a pair of shackles, the world has not spoken yet
回首梦已阑珊 众生尽皆漠然
Looking back at the dream that has stopped, all living things are indifferent
万世千秋不如他 一眼 经年
Ten thousand worlds and a thousand autumns cannot compare to him, a glance, year after year
红莲赤焰 莫问 是鬼 还是仙
Red lotus and scarlet flame, do not ask whether it's a ghost or an immortal
芳心只一剑 如何能救万千
Affection only for the sword, how is it possible to save thousands
彼时 金枝玉叶 斜冠散发 问苍天
That time, golden branches and jaded leaves are the first to tilt and fall apart, asking the deep blue sky
身在无间 心亦在无间
The body is in the abyss, the heart is also in the abyss
神窟千面 是爱是恨 还是怜
The thousand faces at the god cave is love, is hate, it is Xie Lian
岁岁复年年 谁在耳边轻言
Years and years go by, who is the only one by your side softly speaking
红叶苍山 方见花开满城 一念间
Red leaves and deep green mountains, just watch the blooming flowers fill the city, a memory
千灯观前 与君话桃源
The Qiandeng Temple from back then, I offer as a paradise to my lord
《人世终白首 The World Will Eventually Grow Old》借一川清風 拂開眼底春深
Borrow a river's cool mist to stroke the eyes open and see the end of spring
何處來莫問 人間客瀟灑幾分
Where will we get no questions, the world's travellers are rather unrestrained
且吟詩換花 正是未解紅塵
Just recite poetry in exchange for flowers, as worldly affairs remain unsolved
也嘗洌酒醇 醉裡情動不曾當真
And taste the clear, mellow wine, the drunken acts have never been taken seriously
A vigorous and unyielding existence
My heavy heart is sinking
The sound of the qin resounds through heaven and earth
As if saying, avoid the dust of the world
Mountains and seas conceal the deep wishes
With the ever changing affairs, which is sincere
記姑蘇舊年 懵懂信手清閒
Remembering the past years in Gusu, ignorant and carefree
渺散如浮煙 畏轉身不見
Dispersing like smoke, afraid to not see it again when I look back
十三載眾口紛言 妄斷善惡魔仙
Thirteen years convey the crowd with numerous words, immediately concluding which is good and evil, devil and immortal
素衣攜黑衫 陳情同執念
The one in mourning clothes takes the one in black by the hand, to relay feelings similar to holding a yearning
還應是故人 擁霜雪共熱忱
An old friend has yet to answer, embrace frost and snow, share warm and sincere feelings
再頜首低問 埋酒他日可重溫
Lower the head again to ask, conceal the wine until he's willing to reminisce some other day
Take the long road like floating dust
To conceal the remnants of oneself
Regard the distant past world as a returning person
Accept poison tongues and ridiculing lips
The everlasting crowd have blind hatred
Only one person deviates as if he didn't hear
邀朗朗明月 一鑑丹心碧血
Invite the bright moon to reflect the loyal heart and just cause
(Nodding, I haven't forgotten the clear sky)
清濁自可辦 卻言毀譽都不屑
This good and bad self can handle, but words of defamation are not worth it
(No qualms no envies)
十三載問靈未絕 漢廣迢迢之間
Thirteen years have carried inquiry which has not yet disappeared, this man has been far and wide
人世終白首 琴笛一曲繾綣
The world will eventually grow old, the melody of the guqin and dizi are inseparable
Forget the noise to disappear from the empty provocations, admiration, and envy
Travel now to the ends of the mountains and rivers in the paintings
天涯路窮遠 幸得你與我 並肩
The road to the end of the world is distant, it is my fortune to have you by my side
遇驚鴻一眼 半生痴念作繭
To encounter a great beauty at a glance, half a lifetime of crazy longing developing into a cocoon
酒醉千百遍 夢裡卻不得見
Getting drunk a thousand hundred times, a dream inside i'm not able to see
十三載問靈未絕 漢廣迢迢之間
Thirteen years have carried inquiry which has not yet disappeared, this man has been far and wide
人世終白首 琴笛一曲繾綣
The world will eventually grow old, the melody of the guqin and dizi are inseparable
人世終白首 忘羨一曲漸遠.
The world will eventually grow old, the melody of WangXian will recess
《落雪寻花 Falling Snow Looking For Flowers》花落下泛开 清澈的涟漪
Falling flowers start to spread, forming clear ripples on the water surface
心间浮现 难以忘却 过往点滴
It appears in one's heart, unforgettable, drops of the past come and go
若非避世修行 聊寄此生于回忆
If it were not for secluded cultivation, to temporarily send this life to memory
愿随落花 将你追寻
Hope follows fallen petals to search for you
冰雪间 映照 寂寥星辰
The ice and snow reflect the lonely stars
泪水欢笑 悲欢离合 难以封塵
Teardrops fall amidst the laughter, sorrow and joy and parting and reuniting, unable to gather dust
Feelings grow unknowingly until it has become deep
Feelings deepen until it eventually becomes life and death
你如一场梦 引我灵魂
As if your dreams pull my soul
少年风流 随心潇洒 无所不畅言
Outstanding youths follow their unrestrained hearts, regardless if there are impeded words
坦荡胸怀 侠肝义胆 挺身而出洒热血
Cherish the open heart, loyal and fearless, step forward bravely and shed warm blood
你风光明媚耀眼 我按捺悸动心弦
The sight of you is bright, beautiful, and dazzling, i'm controlling my throbbing heartstrings
默默描绘 你的容颜
Silently depicting your appearance
我愿 无声无言 无悔无怨
I hope there will be no sounds and no words, no regrets and no resentments
To protect your smiling face
愿你 无悲无痛 无忧无虑
I hope you will have no grief and no pain, free from concerns and anxiety
Like a willful young man
恨他 世事莫测变
I hate how these worldly affairs changed unfathomably
恨我 竟无力回天
I hate being actually powerless to reverse the sky
你化作云烟 不告而别
You turned into cloud and mist, and left without saying goodbye
那夜 星光满天 你璨烂笑颜
That night, starlight covers the whole sky, the soft luster of your smiling face
My heart is already enlightened
那时 相付背肩 我默默无言 却许下了誓言
That time, we both commited to carry behind our backs the responsibility, I silently made an oath
突然 错过了时间
Suddenly, time slipped by
一片痴心 付琴弦
My heart has been crazy over the strings of the qin
春来春去春回 等待你出现
Spring comes, spring goes, spring returns, waiting for you to appear
我用一心一意 一生一世 将琴声诉琴弦
I will use one heart and one wish, one life and one world, using the qin to recount my emotions on the strings
陪你 笑谈笑饮 笑语笑言 让笛声绕指尖
Accompanying you, to happily talk and happily drink, happily speak and happily chat, let the sound of the dizi revolve around the fingertips
昨日 俗世误尘缘
Yesterday, this world is harmed by boundaries
今日 束缚都抛却
Today, tie up everything and cast them away
只为与你相牵 落花洒满肩
Only because I am hand in hand with you, falling petals sprinkle over my shoulders
今夜 星光满天 你璨烂笑颜
This night, starlight covers the whole sky, the soft luster of your smiling face
Warmth continuously fills my heart
今时 又相依身边 我真挚誓约
This time, continuously by each other's side, I sincerely make a promise
To promise you forever
不愿 错过这时间
I am unwilling to let this moment slip
These deep feelings portray your appearance
我在这里 与你 看落花飞雪
I am here with you, watching the falling flowers and flying snow